Communities eligible for funding under the MDB Economic Development Program - ABARES, 2019.
OverviewThe Wakool Agri-Innovation Program was designed to help farmers and businesses to explore opportunities to innovate, diversify, and value-add in their businesses. Developed in partnership with Regionality, the overall aim of the program was to encourage regional prosperity and opportunity by supporting the development of high value agricultural, food, and tourism sectors.
In support of regional innovation, skills acquisition, and community strategy, this program includes the delivery of capacity building workshops, two Agri-Innovation forums, subsidised conference attendance, and business development programs. In addition to capacity-building programming, funding has also been allocated to research into a digital trading platform and a regional product identity, forming an 'Agrisystem'. 'Capacity Building' and 'Agrisystem' form the two major facets of the program. This program is funded by the Australian Federal Government via the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program. WMLIG successfully obtained this funding in 2019. Project activities commenced in 2020, and was completed in April 2022. |
Capacity Building deliverables
The Capacity Building facet of this project incorporates education, training, business development, innovation, and leadership programming to stimulate professional development, diversification, and economic prosperity in the Wakool region.
Deliverables for this facet included:
Deliverables for this facet included:
Capacity Building events & case studies
Business Development Program
Tulla Natives Nursery Tour
Lamb Marking Best Practice
Sheep Handler Workshop
Dung Beetle Workshop
Griffith Industry Tour
Sheep Feedlot Day
Women of Water Workshop
Sheep EID Workshop
Drone Workshop
Grant Simms Industry Tour
Soils with David Hardwick
Farm Expansion Workshop
Designer Genes
The Agrisystem facet of the Agri-Innovation Program maintains a focus on boosting regional economy and supporting local producers to explore new opportunities within their existing businesses. To achieve this, we have partnered with Regionality to deliver Business Development programming and undertake research into digital trading infrastructure.
The Agrisystem research program explores ways in which local producers may benefit from regional produce branding, shared logistics solutions, and a region-specific trading platform.
Deliverables for this facet included:
The Agrisystem research program explores ways in which local producers may benefit from regional produce branding, shared logistics solutions, and a region-specific trading platform.
Deliverables for this facet included:
Project Partners
This project is funded by the Australian Government under the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program.