Jacqueline McArthurProject Officer
Jacqueline has worked in business media and environmental and agricultural public value organisations for more than two decades. A former AFR journalist and columnist, ex-national media manager for WWF-Australia and co-founder of global environmental campaign Earth Hour, Jacqueline is an associate partner on a mixed farming enterprise at Womboota, NSW. A former board member of the Australian Sheep Breeders Association, she is passionate about advancing opportunities for whole-of-landscape restoration and for Australian farmers to get paid well for their land stewardship. |
Tahlia StewartLandcare Coordinator & Communications Officer
Tahlia has worked for over 10 years across several industries, including agriculture, horticulture, retail, hospitality and environmental. She currently studies a Bachelor of Environmental Science, specialising in Ecology and Conservation with Charles Sturt University. Since relocating from the coast to the Murray region, Tahlia has been involved in various community events aimed to promote visitation and biodiversity in the district. Tahlia is passionate about sustainable agriculture, feral animal management and the conservation of Australia’s endemic species. |
Belinda WielingaEnvironmental Project Officer
Luke WardAgricultural Project Officer |