The Groups of Forests ProjectsWe define the Group of Forests as the River Red Gum Forests of Koondrook-Perricoota (NSW) and Gunbower (VIC).
This group of forest spans from the town of Echuca (VIC) to Barham (NSW) and spans over 50,000ha of River Murray floodplains. The forests are considered both an icon site and a Ramsar protected site. We work across a number of projects with out project partners. that come under the Group of Forests as identified by community interests and needs. These include the Pollack Enhancement Project and the Little Forest Management Plan. As well as projects relating to positive ecological outcomes, we also host events and field days to various locations in the forest. |
Our community's vision for their forestIn 2021, a community vision was developed for the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest.
A healthy working forest where native species can flourish, and where local communities can connect and co-manage the forest for future generations." A detailed report on the visioning process has been recorded. Achieving these outcomes for our community is at the heart of all our Group of Forests projects.
Our roleOur role across the Group of Forest projects is to:
Whilst these are our current key roles, we are open to developing them based on community interest and needs. |
Group of Forests projects & events
Weekly reportsWe keep a record of Koondrook-Perricoota Overbank summaries. These include information on water delivery, inundation levels and areas and general observations on wildlife, vegetation and more.
Copies of these reports can be found at the below links. |
Who we work with
We work with a small team of experienced and skilled consultants across the Group of Forests projects.
Dan Hutton, DOD Hutton, Director (Consultant)
Hailing from the UK, Dan cut his teeth as a grazing & pastoral property manager in far western QLD.
He ran his own consultancy for over 10 years in this field before making the move over to Forestry, working in native hardwood plantations and ecology departments before his role as icon site manager and project manager. Dan now runs his own private consultancy business DOD Hutton based in Deniliquin NSW. He specialises in field work, water management and he also facilitates indigenous and broader community liaison/consultation. |
Dr John Conallin
John holds a PhD in Natural Sciences, his work focusses on capacity building through research of local stakeholders (primarily government and community) with an emphasis on learning and pragmatism balanced with precision and acquiring evidence for use within decision making.
John respects the local visions people have for their own backyard and builds the capacity of the local community to be involved in how their local natural resources are managed. Our project team works closely with John across a number of projects relating to the Group of Forests, specifically with the protection and rejuvenation of native fish populations. John has also worked and based his research extensively in South East Asia with native fish communities in Myanmar. |
Koondrook-Perricoota AllianceThe Koondrook Perricoota Alliance (KPA) was established on 16 July 2013 in partnership between the Joint Indigenous Group (JIG) and the Community Operational and Planning Assessment Committee (COPAC) which were established after construction of the Koondrook Perricoota Forest Flood Enhancement Project (KPFFEP).
The KPA is formed by community, local government and industry members that have a vested interest in how environmental watering is managed in the Koondrook- Perricoota Forest. WMLIG provide governance and administrative support to the KPA. |