This event was made possible through funding from the Murray LLS through the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme.
On Monday the 16th of October six people attended a social media and website workshop held at the WMLIG office. The workshop was presented by Joe Lochery of Rebel Web Solutions, who has been involved in website design and development for 15 years and social media management for 10 years. Over this time he has worked with a diverse client base from large corporate companies through to small rural businesses. Joe is passionate about helping local communities and has been integral to WMLIG's online presence.
In the workshop, Joe explained that the first step was to identify "who you are speaking for, speaking with and speaking to" to ensure that the content you provide is relevant to consumers. He also spoke on the importance of having a good website, "users must be able easily find what they are looking for and able to find answers to their questions. if they can't find any answers within your website content, you need to allow them somewhere to ask a question".
For social media, there is an important algorithm to remember: video beats photo, while a photo beats words. Most social media is consumed on a phone, so your content must be suitable for that format. For those with existing social media pages, there is a new platform called BeLive.Tv now available which will allow easy broadcasting of live interviews with multiple people involved. This area will be where your audience will be consuming.
Lastly, Joe emphasised, "you must be able to measure your return on investment of time or money" to see how effective current methods are in obtaining your goals. Google Analytics is a good way of doing this and has the ability to report on many aspects of consumer activity.
For further information on designing or managing websites and social media, contact Joe Lochery (REBEL WEB SOLUTIONS) on 0477849780 or [email protected]