A Central Murray BestWool BestLamb co-funded initiative.
28th March 2019 - 83 people
- High risk of disease lambing down in feedlot
- Need more than 30m2/ewe (take consideration birth of lambs that will increase number in pen)
- Run <100 twin bearing ewes in 50-100ac. Mob size max 350 lambs.
- Broadcast pulse grain in paddock and provide ad lib hay and self-feeders for twin bearing ewes to decrease disturbance
- Spread out feeders for twin bearing ewes
- B12 & ADE shots may be beneficial for ewes this year
- Providing hay increases milk fats
- Feed bypass protein (sorghum, canola , cotton seed, soybean meal) 1 month from point of lambing until birth
* boost ewe feeding prior to lambing x2-
* feed twin lambing ewes more x4
* monitor ewe numbers and rations x3
* feed requirements for lambing ewes x6
* start scanning and feeding due to needs x5
* look at containment area x2
* mix twin with single ewes just prior to lambing x2
* Geoff Duddy presents at a very 'hands on' level and very relevant to most enterprises